This is my SFM Six Figure Mentors Review. I joined The Six Figure Mentors back in 2014, 4 years after it had started. Before that, I had tried a variety of programs and had a number of small successes preceded my mostly failure! So, to say I was sceptical was an understatement. But I was pretty desperate and needed something other than what seemed available at the time.
SFM – Six Figure Mentors Review
After joining I was invited to a meet up in the UK. Since I live in Yorkshire, it wasn’t too far for me to travel. I went along half expecting an empty car park! Such was my level of scepticism!

I decided early to ’empty my cup’ of what I thought I actually knew about online marketing and affiliate marketing. Fortunately for me, my sponsor – (the person who had referred me into The SFM), was incredibly helpful. He ran an advertising co-op through Facebook and I made a couple of high ticket sales early on. This was enough to keep me motivated through the hardships which were part of my learning process and journey.
Because I was new to this business, I didn’t fully understand the process needed for success. I now know that successful affiliates re-invest their profits in order to scale up their businesses, (having learned from the affiliate marketing mentors community). Back then, I was struggling greatly financially, so I just took the money!
I stopped running my ads and focused on content marketing.
SFM – Six Figure Mentors Review
My first impression of The SFM was that it was the real deal. After purchasing the app (See Six Figure Mentors Cost) I got a few emails and accessed the back office (see picture below). There was a huge amount of value here and so I signed up to become a member. I worked my way through the modules and although I wanted to get started quickly, I managed to do everything which was suggested.
There were a few things I thought I could miss, but I went through the material step by step as suggested in the program. The modules were well thought out and even looked closely into my history in terms of income and assets. This showed me a clear pattern of behaviour which I had never thoroughly looked into before. Behaviour doesn’t change much and my income and assets showed this over a couple of decades of my life!

SFM Six Figure Mentors Review – Then And Now
There was definitely a time I thought of quitting. I had been blogging for quite a while and had made a couple of high ticket sales through organic traffic from Google. However, for the work I had put in, I was feeling like I didn’t want to continue. I was struggling. I contacted support to ask if I could drop my membership down to save some money.

From this ‘low point’ I reached out and made contact with a couple of people through the community who gave me support through live online meetings. I was quite surprised at the value and help they offered me. I had a weekly meeting for a number of weeks and this helped me immensely. Partly it was the reaching out that really made a difference for me. I spoke to Jill and Frank regularly and I’ll always be grateful for their assistance.

A Lonely Path
It can be a lonely road working on an online business. Knowing someone was there really gave me the confidence to keep going, and the belief that it was a real business, not some scam! Since then I’ve made fairly dramatic progress. They put me in touch with a number of online resources which I was unaware of, and which I now recommend to my referrals too. There’s a number of Facebook groups which emerged and of which I was completely unaware of. I run a class in the evenings which meant I couldn’t attend many of the seminars which ran and kept me plugged in to the latest events and meetings.
After my meetings and with the personal support The SFM offered, I was able to follow another successful member for a few months and learn from him and the questions which were being asked in his weekly webinars.
SFM Six Figure Mentors Review – What Now?

I had been focused on blogging and only blogging for some time. The people who were being the most successful within The SFM community were generally using paid marketing strategies.
I took some of my content which had performed well already and use paid strategies to promote it. It worked well. Also, I learned from the seminars that by putting some code on my website, I was able to place ‘cookies’ on my visitors who landed on my blog. This meant that if they left my website and went directly to the SFM website, I would still be credited with the sale, if someone purchased something.
This piece of information was massively valuable and also gave me more confidence in what I was doing. I made several sales from using this and continue to do so.
Subscription Products – A Massive Difference
For a long time I had been ‘flogging a dead horse’ using tactics which simply weren’t working very well! When I plugged into the community and reached out for help, they were there. I still had to put the effort in of course and there’s a lot to do. But knowing something is real, and that there are people available to reach out too has helped me massively.
Since sharing my insights with my members, and helping them as others have helped me, I have built up a number of membership referrals. A basic membership sale gives you $20 a month as an affiliate. That means, you need only 100 referrals who are regular members to make $2000 a month, every month. Once you offer help and show your members how to succeed too, the SFM is something that is massively worthwhile to them.
Reaching Out
Before I reached out to the community, I had a number of members drop out. Since offering my members more value, they have kept up their memberships. I’m now seeing the potential in The SFM just from my subscription memberships which I have sold. The high ticket product sales are now also coming in more frequently, too.
It’s taken some time to get to where I am now – four years in fact. I’ve seen people achieve far more than I have much more quickly if they have a budget to put into their marketing straight away.
If you’re in a unsatisfactory job, use your income to run adverts and build a team very quickly. Some adverts won’t work. Many of my early adverts simply didn’t work. But I just kept at it! Over time, and by constantly assessing your activities and plugging into the community, you can make dramatic steps forwards.
Learn more about high commission affiliate programs.
See also Six Figure Mentors Compensation Plan